Tidbits of Arabic News translated into English

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Syrian refugees

The BBC Arabic did a series of stories on Syrian refugees around the time when the UN announced that 2 million Syrians have left the country. The BBC Arabic traveled to all the border countries where the refugees are living (Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, and even some others) to do their reports.

My favorite was from Jordan. They showed a bunch of cute kids in a school at the camp, and they also showed some tents. The 'headquarters' tent had both the UNICEF and the Red Crescent emblem on its front.

Unfortunately, I missed taking screenshots of all this. The only picture I got was this one:

The BBC correspondent is facing us (I think her name is Karine Tarabay) and she is interviewing two students. I think that this was in Jordan.

They had lots and lots of segments. I saw this one about a family in Lebanon:

There are two adults and three children, including a baby in the mother's arms, on the motorcycle. I think they were going to an aid distribution site, or some sort of health clinic. Since everything must be kept very decent and decorous, the mother on the backseat does not hold on to her husband while the motorcycle is running. Indeed, I did not see her gripping anything at all. I hope her husband knows how to drive and will see fit to avoid potholes and rocks.

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